Some of our artisans contribute their time and talent to support charitable projects by donating the proceeds of their sales.

When you support them, you support others.  Our hats go off to them!    

Claire Kennedy

Miracle for Children FUndraiser

I got interested in crochet when I was 16 years old. My mother was taking a Beginner Crochet Course at a Continuing Education High School and was coming home with her completed projects.  I told her that I was interested in trying this out, so she enrolled me in the next Beginner Course, while she took the Intermediate Course, the next semester.  I became obsessed with intricate doilies and tablecloths at that time and made a number of them. After a while, my interests changed to needlepoint, then cross stitch and embroidery, so crochet took a back seat for several  years. . . like over 30 years. Life happens! Marriage, children, jobs, a business or two or three!

When I retired in the Fall of 2009 and moved to Deep River, I joined the local Deep River and Area Jabez Blanket Ministry. The Ministry’s goal is to produce beautiful hand crocheted or knitted blankets that are added to a “Back Pack of Hope” and sent to orphanages around the world.  I became heavily involved with this group and subsequently became the local coordinator. One of my tasks is to encourage donations of yarn from the local communities surrounding Deep River. Some of the yarn donated is not always suitable for blankets, so rather than dispose of it, I decided to try my hand at making head warmers and neck warmers. I began attending craft shows and my hats became very popular. I started out of course using patterns from designers which I found for free on the internet. In the last few years, I honed my skills and felt comfortable in tweaking designs to make them more my own.  Since I have such a beautiful variety of yarn… different fibres, colours, weights and textures, I can use these to create a lot of one of a kind hats, headbands and neck warmers. I love to play with textured crochet stitches to see if they will work in “the round” for a hat. To make my product even more unique, I will often use clip on earrings, broaches or other types of embellishments, along with buttons to decorate an appliqué or the brim of a hat or neck warmer.

Since a lot of the materials I use are donated, all of the profit from the sale of my products goes to Charities… The Jabez Blanket Ministry International (which started it all) and other local grass root charities. I provide the labour at no cost, since crochet is also therapy for me. I love creating these useful accessories and then being able to help out worthwhile organizations.

Contact Claire

Joshua Mayo

Staying Clean Soap & Candle Company

Staying Clean Soap and Candle Company Inc. was started in 2023 to raise awareness about the crisis of addiction in society and to raise money for addiction treatment centers operating across Canada. One dollar from every product sale is donated to a Canadian addition treatment facility in the hopes that more people can be served when a choice is made to reach out for help.

Since inception, we have made multiple donations to not-for-profit treatment
facilities and have been met with sincere appreciation from those working on the front lines of change. If you or a loved one has had a positive experience at a treatment facility and would like to nominate them for funds generated by our company, send us an email with details at:

At Staying Clean Soap and Candle Company Inc, we strive to hand make a better, more luxurious product than our competitors. Our soap is vegan, palm free and scented without the use of phthalates and parabens. In addition to our soap being toxin and cruelty free, we use a high percentage of butters in our signature recipe and add coconut milk to increase the moisturizing factor. Our soaps are cured a minimum of 6 weeks to produce a bar that is hard and long lasting.

Our candles are made exclusively with Soy/Coconut wax which is a renewable, eco-friendly product that is clean burning, less soot producing and burns slower than other waxes so you can enjoy your candle longer. Again, our candles are scented without the use of phthalates and parabens so you can feel good about burning our candles around children and pets.

Contact Joshua